Afterburner 2.2.0 accueille sa 4è bêta |
————— 21 Juin 2011 à 13h23 —— 9371 vues
Afterburner 2.2.0 accueille sa 4è bêta |
————— 21 Juin 2011 à 13h23 —— 9371 vues
Le dernier rejeton des créateurs de Rivatuner, feu Rivatuner, vient de passer en version 2.2.0 bêta 4. Le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que cette mouture est une mise à jour qui n'est pas volée, elle est riche en changements/améliorations/bugs fixes. Même si ça reste une bêta avec les inconvénients que cela comporte, vous pourrez overclocker et tripoter les tensions de vos GPU, tout ça afin de grappiller le moindre pourcentage de performance en plus, et sans transformer votre carte en gril sans graisse George Foreman !
• MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 4.2.1. New version gives you the following improvements:
• Tuned vertex buffer usage strategy improves performance in Direct3D8 and Direct3D9 applications in raster 3D On-Screen Display rendering mode
• Fixed vertex buffer corruption bug, causing On-Screen Display to flicker randomly in Direct3D8 and Direct3D9 applications when raster 3D On-Screen Display rendering mode is enabled
• Now raster font uses managed texture instead of dynamic one to bypass broken high resolution dynamic texture pitch reporting on GTX 200 series graphics cards under NVIDIA 275.27 beta drivers
• Raster font texture size is no longer fixed. Now the server is dynamically selecting minimum possible texture size to fit selected font into it
• The skins have been changed slightly to provide more convenient raster font customization. Now raster font customization window can be open by clicking "Raster 3D" button. Holding "Ctrl" button while clicking "Raster 3D" button allows you to select pre-rendered font from bitmap file and holding "Shift" button while clicking "Raster 3D" button allows you to pre-render and save currently selected font to bitmap file
• Fixed bug causing multiple used On-Screen Display slots to overwrite each other instead of merging the slots correctly
• Added screencapture support for Direct3D10 and Direct3D11 applications using framebuffers with 10-bit RGB components (e.g. Dirt 3)
• Improved tabbed text formatting
• Now desktop video capture support and forcible Aero Glass interface toggling can be disabled via the configuration files if necessary
• Updated profiles list
• Now SDK includes new sample code, demonstrating On-Screen Display usage from any third party application. The sample is displaying CPU usage in On-Screen Display and provides third party developers helper object for RivaTuner-styled grouped OSD text formatting
• PowerTune settings are now being forcibly reapplied after changing the clocks via unofficial overclocking path to bypass bug in AMD driver causing PowerTune settings to be reset to defaults during programming PowerPlay table
• Unofficial overclocking is now ignored for inactive ULPS enabled AMD graphics cards
Pour ceux qui veulent Afterburner 2.2.0 bêta 4, faut cliquer ici, et pas ailleurs !
Un poil avant ?Mais EVGA donne plus de GDDR5 à sa GTX 570 ! | Un peu plus tard ...Bencher ses jeux de caisses signés Codemasters comme on veut, c'est possible ! |