
Stalker passe en 1.0003
Trèèèèès attendu par la communauté de stalkers (les joueurs), et après pas mal de retard le voici le voila enfin, corrigeant une pléthore de bugs. Les russes auront finalement été les seuls à profiter du patch 1.0002. Cependant, malgré la date d'arrivée tardive, il manque encore de nombreuses features et correctifs promis par les développeurs comme par exemple un vrai support du dual core ou encore des respawns de méchants un peu mieux repartis; GSC cependant assurent un 4ème patch "dans pas trop longtemps" avec plein de contenu. Bon, si déjà les stalkers en herbe peuvent à présent espérer jouer correctement, c'est déjà ça, deux mois après la sortie en rayons !

Téléchargement : fileplanetclubicstalker-zonestalkerfrance

Si vous n'avez pas encore franchi le pas d'essayer cet excellent titre pas si gourmand que l'on pourrait le croire, le moment et peut être venu ! (liste des correctifs en page suivante.)

The patch addresses the following changes:
* Added some textures of certain objects (for technical purposes).
* Added console command 'sv_listmaps' to view the list of maps queue.
* Added the support for additional mouse buttons (now they can be bound to certain actions).
* Fixed bugs with player's character health bar in Multi-player.
* Fixed the crash upon making the screenshot to a saved game.
* Fixed the bug with standing dead bodies upon connecting to the game.
* Fixed inventory items placing system (Free for all and Team play modes).
* Fixed the enumeration of the game's version.
* Fixed the crash with using Numpad in some localizations.
* Fixed the crash on the level "Military warehouse".
* Fixed the crash while idling on the pause menu
* Fixed the crash in dialog with Professor Sakharov on the Yantar level.
* Fixed the storyline task "Meet with the Guide", now you can get it by searching Ghost's corpse.
* Fixed the bug with NPCs spawning in front of the player.
* Fixed the A-life reaction time. Now A-life spawns new NPCs more seldom. Also NPC movement speed is decreased when NPC are on different level then the player.
* Binary files are now compiled with large address aware flag that supports up to 3GB address space (relevant for Windows VistaT users).
* Added the possibility to record/play the camera fly-around ('demo_record'/'demo_play' commands). Now Stalker is ready for benchmarks.
* Fixed aspect ratio 16/9. Now the owners of the widescreen displays will have the benefit from greater viewing radius.
* Fixed various crashes with dedicated server.
* The network packets have been merged. This will make the ping reduce twice or more.
* The correctness of map name is now verified when changing the map using the console.
* Fixed the dragging of dead bodies by monsters.
* Now dumps will be saved upon the game crashes.
* Fixed the in-game patching system for all localizations.
* Fixed the problem with the exceedingly long players' names.
* Fixed textual problems for 16/9 video format.
* Fixed game freezing upon trying to connect to a different version.
* Fixed binocular Spectator crash.
* Fixed non-existent grenade launcher firing.
* Fixed players turning invisible when reduced to a minimal amount of health.
* Fixed pre-selected skin not allowing for player spawn.
Un poil avant ?

Lara nous pose un lièvre

Un peu plus tard ...

3 Anti-Aliasings différents avec la HD 2900XT ?

Yapa de ragots
Les ragots sont actuellement
ouverts à tous, c'est open bar !